I had another one of "
those" salesmen call me this morning...
It's a pretty standard routine, they call the maintenance department first, and immediately launch into a spiel about how "it's almost time for another box of 4' fluorescent lights, we'll get those out to you on the next courier". The poor maintenance guy who picks up the phone typically doesn't know who we get our lights from, and just says "Oh, alright". Then the bastard really lays it on thick, and starts talking about sending gifts along with the shipment, they ask him what size of hockey jersey he wears and say they're going to include a nice Team Canada or Canucks shirt along with the shipment. Thankfully our maintenance dude, even though he's new, knew enough to tell the guy to call me about any orders. But this salesman's no dummy, he knows he's talking to the purchaser now, so he has to alter his strategy.... He starts off with the pitch about the Canucks Jersey, asks me my size and if I'm a hockey fan. When I say, "well, not overly", he starts offering me $50 gift certificates to Crappy Tire, tells me I can go get a couple tanks of gas on him. The rest of the conversation went as follows:
Me: Well, that does sound pretty cool, but just to be fair, you know we don't currently purchase anything from your company. (I can't remember the name of his company now, Electrical somthin)
Greaseball: You don't buy anything
Me: So I'm assuming that you'd like to ship me something today.
Greaseball: Yup, I've got you down for a box of our 6 year guaranteed fluorescent bulbs.
Me: And how much would these bulbs cost me?
Greaseball: They're a little over $8 each.
Me: Yeah, see, I can get bulbs from the local electrical distributor for 2 bucks.
Greaseball: But you're forgetting about the 6 year guarantee man, those things flicker or burn out, and we replace 'em for free.
Me: Are you by chance affiliated with Sureway Electric in Ontario?
Greaseball: Nope, we're *insert company name here*
Me: Cuz Sureway used to pull this exact same bullshit on me too, they call up every 4 months or so, tell me they're trying to support Team Canada this year and would like to send me a shirt. Then ask if we're still using their overpriced 4' fluorescent bulbs.
Greaseball: (realizing at this moment that I'm not a corrupt purchasing agent) Alright man, talk to ya later. *click*
This asshole had put me in a bad mood for the rest of the morning... that other greaseball from Sureway called and bugged me several times before I finally told him to go pound sand, and now I've got this guy. Do lighting salesmen all take the same course? The one where they tell them that a fast tongue and promise of a free hockey jersey will always win over a greedy purchaser? I admit, the first time the Sureway guy called I was new to the job, and just assumed by the way he was talking that he was our lighting supplier. But then the bill for the bulbs arrived. I immediately called them back and said that there was no way I would have ordered these if I knew what they were going to cost, and they eventually sent me a credit for the difference in price between theirs and my local supplier.
I gave the shirt to Spencer, he's a hockey fan.