Monday, January 31, 2005

Good thing he was prepared.

I doubt that this guy felt the cold at all during his 4-day ordeal:

Friday, January 28, 2005


Beer day is here again, I can feel it...

I'll tell ya all about it tomorrow.

Friday, January 21, 2005


Beer day is here, rejoice.

I made it... all week... and I didn't even have to kill anyone.

I did think about it though, the killing I mean, several times.
Actually I'm thinking about it now.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Here we go again

Late last year I made a controlled power down of my average weekly alcohol consumption, I limited myself to weekend-only imbibement. Unfortunately, along came Christmas, then new years... weekend-only turned into "every damn day cuz I'm on vacation". I managed to maintain that flow (ha, pun intended) for almost a month... never really getting back to my earlier level of restraint, if you could call it that. Now it’s time to cut back again, and it pains me.
I genuinely like the taste of beer, its good stuff. I enjoy sampling different imported beers whenever the liquor store stocks something new. I’m not 17 anymore; I don’t set aside a portion of my pizza delivering tips for large quantities of the cheap crappy stuff, like “Olde English 40s”. I’m not just out to get falling down drunk at the upcoming Cherryville bush party.
The main reason for my need to cut back again is cost… having a few beer a night, plus a few extras on weekends, is roughly equivalent to the cost of a pack-a-day smoking habit. (Something I was lucky enough to break before the price went from 5 to 8 dollars a pack).
The second reason is Christine, she’s tired of seeing me sitting on my ass day after day while the empties accumulate on the kitchen counter… and I don’t blame her one bit. If she was a smoker I know I‘d be on her case, probably even more so. Instead she manages to balance the equation by lobbing the occasional estrogen-laden nag bomb at me.
If I wanted to be financially smart about this, I’d switch from beer to weed. I’m a pretty cheap stone, half a bowl and I’m done. 10 bucks worth lasts six months in my house… but it’s just not the same. Never have I concluded a big Sunday meal by retiring to the couch for an after-dinner reefer. But I can sit in front of my computer playing games, drink a few beers, get pleasantly relaxed, and be happy. Weed just makes me paranoid, giddy and hungry. Hence the only time I smoke it is on the odd weekend when I’ve already had a few.
Anyways, nuff said. Wish me luck now…. 62 hours dry and counting…. pushin along to mile marker 140. The little engine that could. “I think I can, I think I can.”

Sunday, January 16, 2005

I just played WoW for 13 hours.. and boy is my ass tired.

Spencer and me, Night Elves, hanging out in Darkshore... That's him on the left, and my attack cat Spike on the right. This picture was taken earlier in the day, before I got my cool new armor.

Friday, January 14, 2005

10 mile walk to school... uphill both ways.

When I was a kid, my feet used to split and crack in the winter... eventually they healed. Now my knuckles split.... weird.

Where's my bike?

The inhabitants of Vancouver and Vancouver Island are whining because they have 2 inches of snow and overnight lows of -9..... this is my front porch.... woosies.

Thursday, January 13, 2005


I'm at work now, and I'm bored.
I had plans this morning, stuff that needed to get done... things to see and people to do.
I've been denied my ambitions.
The S.A.P. system, the lifeblood of our production operation, is down for the count. Like all computer programs that operate in a Windows-based environment, it was doomed to occasional failure. I can accept that, and normally when it goes down I can keep busy with other tasks. But not today, today the external phone lines are down as well.
One or the other... no problem. Take them both away, and I'm playing solitaire.
I don't actually play solitaire on the computer, can't stand it... It's a boring little game for people who don't know what a computer does. Instead, I'm passing the time by dribbling out some worthless tripe on to my blog. Lucky you, you get to read it.
Okay... This post is turning kinda cranky, I'll stop now. Maybe I'll go stand around somewhere, talk to people and watch others work... experience an hour in the life of a production foreman.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Richard Simmons

Click here for a link to a clip from "Who's Line is it Anyways?"
..and get ready to cover your eyes..

The nerdiness continues...

Not too much to report today.
"Blah blah blah blah World of Warcraft blah blah blah blah blah blah World of Warcraft blah blah blah." **If this sounds about right, don't bother reading on.**
Spencer finally got his game up and running and we played a bit last night. We went at it for a while with him using a freshly created character, (a Night Elf Druid), teamed up with my veteran level 25 Human Paladin. It sucked. We thought that my high-level character could just run around an whack dangerous high-level enemies, while Spencer followed along and collected mondo experience for the kills, but the boys at Blizzard anticipated that little trick, and punished us accordingly. The experience points that resulted from our mismatched team were pathetic, not even worth the time. So instead we disbanded the team, and Spencer took on some moderately difficult enemies while I just sat back and healed him repeatedly... good experience for Spencer, boring as shit for me. So I started a new character, a Night Elf Hunter, and we adventured together for a while. I promised Spencer that I would solo with my Paladin, and only play the Hunter when we were both online together, that way I don't advance too quick for him to keep up. (I'm a geek and play way more often than he will.)
Unfortunately, I think I like the Hunter character better than my Paladin. So you'd better play every chance you get Watson, or I might just have to leave you in the dust. It takes time and devotion to reach the level of anti-social geekdom that I've managed to achieve for myself.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

World of Warcraft

A picture is worth 1000 words. Well, here's a 4000 word essay entitled "Why I haven't had time to update my blog during the last week."
Fighting a Harvest Watcher.

Traveling by Gryphon.

At the gates of Ironforge.

Looking over Moonbrook.