Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Vernon grew for a little while, but now it's shrinking again.

So I'm driving along by BX Falls yesterday, when this little white car burns outta the driveway in front of me.  I follow it along the windy road up to the stop sign, where, naturally, both the car and I stop.  But then the driver's side door opens and this dude jumps out, looks back at me, and makes this weird "gunslinger" gesture.  My first thought is "who's this bald jackass?", then he walks towards me and my second thought is "oh.... its Scotty Coughlin.....".  Turns out that Spencer's suspicions about the Coughlin Construction sign on the tree were correct, his parents have built a house up in my neighborhood, and Scott's moved back home for a while with the rugrats.

How about that.

1 comment:

Spencer said...

Sometimes I just hate being right...