Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I’m here now.
All told, the move was fairly painless. The only thing that went wrong was U-Haul not having the 17’ truck that I reserved, so they upgraded me to the 26’ “Super Mover” at no additional cost. The too-big truck made loading the furniture way too easy. Downsides were the gas required for the 502 big-block gasoline Chev, (note to U-Haul: get diesel engines), and having to pay commercial truck rate on the ferry. A little well placed dissatisfaction at the truck return office, and I no longer had to make up the extra cost of only replacing $150 of the $200 worth of fuel used during the drive. I’m happy with that.
The new place is pretty sweet; two bedrooms, green yard, wood fireplace, our own driveway, and a quiet street. We had a houseful of guests here for the long weekend, Spencer drove my car down for me and picked up Chloe along the way, Jeff and Ingrid came over from Vancouver, and Craig was over regularly. The lot of us enjoyed several days of pub fare, beer, and catching up. Now the dust has settled, Christine’s at work and I’m back from my first day of class.
More later.

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