Thursday, October 20, 2005

I don't update this shit nearly enough anymore

A few weeks back my mom called and told me that she was worried, concerning my recent posts. If you scroll down a few posts, you'll notice that there were 2 or 3 in a row that were the result of drunken ramblings... and they gave credit where credit was due.
Tonight I'm not gonna say anything about alcohol or controlled substances... instead, let's roll the cartoon.

Happy Hallow's End!

The seasonal burning of the Wickerman, every night at 20:00, outside Undercity. Ever seen that movie? No? Go rent it, it's frickin trippy.

Ran a raid with some of the guildies... Here's the UD side of Strathholme. Everything's in a perpetual state of crap.

Takin on a boss in Strath.... here's the view from the *almost* front lines. Hey, I'm a mage, I need to stay at the back and deal out the dps...

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